Northwood and Nottingham Rockingham District 1

I’m Hal Rafter and I am running for re-election to the seat I won in last year’s special election

In the recent NH House session, I voted to defend reproductive and voting rights, to increase education funding to our towns, for steps to address the housing crisis …. and against brass knuckles and seceding from the U.S.
Please send me back to Concord so we can have a House that will make progress on real issues!

I ask for your vote in the Sept. 10 primary and the Nov. 5 general election

My Background

I grew up in NH and attended UNH, earning a Masters degree in Economics. My wife Susan and I have lived in Nottingham for 38 years and raised our two children here. They attended Nottingham Elementary School and were home schooled before going to Dover High. Susan and I have both run small businesses – she owned a cafe and catering business for several years, and I am currently a partner in Waterline which provides river flow information for boaters and anglers. I have worked for NH Housing, our statewide housing agency, for over 35 years helping to provide affordable housing to renters and new home owners.

I served on the Nottingham School Board for 8 years and the Board of Selectmen for 3 years, representing those boards on the Budget Committee several times during those years. Because of this community service, I am familiar with both school and town issues. My experience and leadership skills will be valuable if I am fortunate enough to be re-elected to the NH House. We need to establish a positive direction for our state and address the many issues we face, a few of which I address here.

Cost of Living

The cost of living increases we have seen over the last few years for food, energy and property taxes are a real burden for all of us. With pandemic aid money largely spent down and student loan payments having re-started, the cost of living will become even more of an issue. We in NH have little control over the costs of food and energy, but our property taxes are something we can address.

The recent state budget sends some money to towns and schools, but it’s not enough to make a real difference and may not continue in the future. Over the years, the state has downshifted many expenses to the towns - cutting the state’s contribution for police pensions and school construction are just two examples. Reducing our local taxes depends on the state sharing more of its revenue, and making sure the funding keeps up with inflation.


We have issues of housing affordability and availability. Demand for housing is high - due to natural population growth as well as sales to out of state buyers and investors (who may convert properties to AirBNB). On the supply side, the cost of materials has increased significantly in the past few years, there are fewer builders than in the past, many elderly are remaining in houses when they would typically downsize except there are few available options.

Our Rights

Reproductive, LGBTQ, voting and other rights are at risk due to US Supreme Court decisions and the conservative members of the NH legislature. Like over 70% of NH voters, I believe medical decisions should be entrusted to women and their doctors. For 50 years, there was a national right to abortion, but due to conservative judges it is now in jeopardy for many women. People cannot be full citizens unless they have control over their own bodies, and that should not depend on where they happen to live. It says a lot about the Republicans in this race that they talk about “freedom”, but rarely say a word about reproductive rights.

Voting rights are also being threatened by proposed restrictions on registration, more ID requirements, gerrymandered districts, and attempts to eliminate voting machines. Voter fraud is not a problem as some try to claim – we all know our local election officials do a great job of ensuring fair elections. Voter confidence suffers when false claims question the integrity and results of our elections


Public education is critical to the success of our society and democracy. I’m sure most of us went to public school as kids. Today public education is under attack by conservative and “free state” types who want to defund it, ban books, and punish teachers for teaching history. Our public schools are governed by elected residents from our towns, staffed by our neighbors, and are open to all parents and residents who want to see what happens in the classrooms. They are not “black boxes” as some on the right are now labeling them.

Regarding vouchers, I am against using public money to pay for private and especially religious schools. The existing NH voucher program costs millions more than budgeted, and is not providing “choice” to public school students – 85% of the money is benefiting families whose children are already in private school. Public voucher money should be going to public schools.

Global Warming

Climate change is a worldwide problem affecting food production, water supplies, property values, and public health. Every month in 2023 was the hottest on record and that is continuing in 2024. In 2023 global CO2 emissions were the highest ever, and ocean temperatures are far above average. While NH is a small state, we have to be part of the solution and help address climate change.

Encouraging remote work, funding energy retrofits of existing buildings, and supporting solar and other alternatives can all have an impact. Our last ski season did not really start until after Christmas because of rain and warm weather. A warming climate is bad for our ski business, for agriculture, for the seafood industry, and is behind the rise in the tick population. Our future depends on responding now to this challenge.

I would appreciate your vote in the primary on September 10 and the general election on November 5.

Feel free to contact me with questions or comments:


Facebook: @rafterforstaterep

To contribute to my campaign:

Use ActBlue: Rafter for State Rep

Send a check to: Rafter for State Rep

Mail address:

Hal Rafter
22 N. River Lake Road
Nottingham, NH 03290