NOTTINGHAM CAUCUS - 3/11 6:30, Town Hall Conf Room 2 | TOWN ELECTIONS 3/11, 7am to 7pm
NOTTINGHAM CAUCUS - 3/11 6:30, Town Hall Conf Room 2 | TOWN ELECTIONS 3/11, 7am to 7pm 〰️
Voting Information
Voter Guide: Nottingham
Important Dates 2025
Locations & Clerk Info
Election Results
Absentee Voting
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Our NH Voting Districts
Rep. Benjamin Bartlett (R-Nottingham)
Bartlett worked for the federal government and, as such, was not allowed to hold a partisan office. That did not stop him from running for State Representative, though. His swearing in was a violation of the Hatch Act.
This infraction led to Bartlett being sanctioned by the feds. He attended only two legislative sessions and eventually had to resign.
Rep. Troy Merner (R-Lancaster)Merner ran for State Representative in Lancaster, but the thing is: He. Did. Not. Live. In. Lancaster. Merner lived in Carroll.
Still, he filed mileage reimbursement cards with the State of NH claiming to travel between Concord and Lancaster. It might not surprise you that the trip to Lancaster is longer than the trip to Carroll, which meant Werner collected more state money. Merner resigned only after he was caught, had voted on critical legislation, and was facing arrest.
Merner also ran for municipal office - and voted - in Lancaster, while living in Carroll. He was arrested for this.
Mark Edington (R-Hudson)
Edington, a Free Stater (that is a Libertarian who moved here to dismantle NH's government) from Florida, appeared on the 2024 ballot in Hudson and Litchfield.
Years ago in Florida, Edington pleaded no contest to second degree murder for beating and strangling to death a motel clerk. He received a 25-year prison sentence, but was paroled after serving only 8 years. Recently, the FBI raided Edington's radio show as part of a child pornography investigation.
When he registered to run, Edington listed a UPS box in Hudson as his physical address. In one Facebook group, Edington said he was "looking for a room to rent" in Hudson.
Rep. Jeffrey Greeson (R-Wentworth)
Police arrested Rep. Greeson after he was caught on video threatening a municipal plow driver.
His charges included: disorderly conduct, simple assault, and criminal threatening. Seem like an overcharge? Watch the video.
Rep. Werner Horn (R-Franklin)
Rep. Horn took to Facebook to say that owning slaves did not make someone racist.
When challenged, the Franklin Representative doubled down by saying that owning slaves was "economics" and a "business decision". He claimed slavery had nothing to do with race: “[Slave owners] weren’t enslaving black people because they were black. They were bringing in these folks because they were available.”
Rep. Jon Stone (R-Claremont)
The Claremont Police suspended Stone for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old. He was later fired from the department for making violent threats against the Chief of Police and his family - including raping the Chief's wife and children and carrying out a mass shooting.
In his next job at the Vermont Department of Corrections, Stone was fired for making racist and homophobic comments to co-workers.
Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn)
After accepting a $4 million PPP loan earmarked to retain employees, Rep. Osborne's company laid off every worker - and allegedly denied them back pay and vacation time they had earned.
The Republican leader used a racial slur when posting to an online forum. On that same platform, Osborne also questioned the need for an age of consent.
Rep. Laurie Sanborn (R-Bedford)
Rep. Sanborn and her husband are under investigation for allegedly fraudulently using $844,000 in COVID relief funds provided to the casino business they operated for personal purchases including two 987 Cayman S racers and a Ferrari F430.
At the time, Rep. Sanborn served as Chair of the Commission to Study the Effect of Recent Changes Made to the Charitable Gaming Laws. The fact that Republicans appointed a casino owner as Chair of that Commission is akin to a farmer asking a fox to guard the henhouse.
Rep. Sanborn eventually stepped down as Chair, but she remains a sitting State Representative.
Former Rep. Susan DeLemus (R-Rochester)
During an abortion rights protest outside the NH State House, then-Rep. DeLemus lashed out. She screamed at people protesting the Dobbs decision that they were "murderers".
Do you recognize her name? Her husband, Jerry, was in federal prison for helping lead an armed insurrection in Nevada.
DeLemus is anti-government in the extreme, with just one little exception: If the government will force unwanted pregnancies on women and girls, then DeLemus thinks big government is super duper good!
Northwood and Nottingham belong to NH House District Rockingham 1 and NH Senate District 17. Both towns vote for and are represented by the same state level representatives. Northwood and Nottingham vote separately on town level officials as well as town and school budgets and warrant articles.