Keith McGuigan
Candidate for Rockingham County District 1
State Representative
Northwood and Nottingham

Friends of Keith McGuigan
51 Kelsey Mill Rd, Northwood, NH 03261



My background...

I’m a life-long NH resident. My wife, Kim, and I have lived in Northwood for over twenty years. We share our home with our three kids and two rascally cats.

I grew up in the Pembroke area and went to college at UNH (BS & MS in Computer Science). As a computer programmer, I’ve found that job skills like being detail-oriented and analytical have come in handy when dealing with RSAs and government bureaucracy as an elected official.

For five years I served on the School Board, much of that time as chair. I am also Town Moderator and a member of the Budget Committee. Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about municipal laws, budgets, policies, and procedures and have worked hard to maintain an even keel with legal, transparent, and (mostly) non-controversial decision-making.

Why am I running?

Interacting with community members locally has demonstrated to me how most of us have common interests and views on where our communities should go.  Unfortunately, most political dialogue today gets toxic real fast and most of those seeking office get caught up in the party-conflicts and wedge issues.  This does our communites no good and I've stepped up to run to give people an option for a constructive, reasonable representative at the state level, instead of the divisiveness that typically results because of political party us-versus-them mindsets.

My goal is to hyper-focus on having a positive impact on local households and families in Northwood and Nottingham.  Inequality and reduced funding has taken a toll on our rural communities, and I'd like to see a renewed effort in community building rather than pitting neighbor against neighbor.