Pamela Sanderson

Candidate for Rockingham County District 1

State Representative

Northwood and Nottingham

Committee to Elect Pamela Sanderson
132 Old Turnpike Road, Northwood, NH 03261

I’m a lifelong resident of New Hampshire and have lived in Northwood for the past 40 years. I believe in community service through volunteerism and have also been active in Northwood serving upon the Zoning Board of Adjustment, Budget Committee and I’m currently a member of the Board of Selectmen.

My earliest career was in an electrical generation facility as an hourly wage earner and I have always advocated for worker safety, equitable pay and benefits. I believe in sustaining and enhancing the quality of life for NH’s workers and families through fiscal responsibility at the local, county and state level. My latter years have been as an educator and I do believe in the importance of vocational training opportunities.

What do I value for NH?

● I support equitable and reasonable taxation which lowers the tax burden off of our property owners. Property taxes for working class and elderly residents are going through the roof and it’s time to take action.

● Expanded housing opportunities through sustainable growth and reasonable RSA’s and zoning regulations.

● Quality educational and vocational opportunities within our public schools for New Hampshire children via fair-funding means.

● Less government restrictions placed upon individual freedoms such as medical decisions, gender issues and voter rights.

What do I additionally support?

● Children's Online Safety regulations

● Efforts to eliminate poor nutrition and/or insufficient healthcare resources for NH’s children and veterans

● Worker rights of collective bargaining

How can you help?

● Contributions to the campaign to elect Pamela Sanderson can be accomplished via ActBlue donation site: Donate to Pamela Sanderson Candidate or through the QR code below