Warrant Articles - 2023 Town Elections
Nottingham Town Warrant
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This article adds language to align with the state’s RSA definition. Adding a definition is a best practices item and adds clarity.
This article adds a bit more protection to wetlands by adding a vegetative buffer. There is no change to the building setback, but this would prevent driveways/roads from being placed within the setback. This would allow for the addition of a section to clarify language for applicants, abutters, and Planning and Zoning Board members.
This article seeks to add a buffer between any existing lot line and any new road, as none exists now. The intent is to plan for harmonious growth by specifying a minimum distance for any new roads from existing lot lines. This will clarify language for applicants, abutters and Planning and Zoning Board members.
This article aims to update the existing zoning ordinance language to add clarity and align with State regulations. It updates language based off a grant Nottingham was a part of with SRPC.
Engineering is needed prior to fixing the culverts on both roads. Engineering is also needed on the library parking lot for a few reasons - the parking lot comes off of a state road and has two abutters. It has limited sight lines, needs repairs, and will eventually need to be repaved. Engineering will allow the library to know a more exact cost for paving. If the lot is paved without engineering, there is a risk that the paving would have to be redone.
By law, the town must reassess properties every 5 years. This warrant article would help save money now for the next set of revaluations.
Last year the base coat was done on Flutter Street and Oak Ridge Road. Now a top coat needs to be added to finish the process. As a side note, in previous years the town has put $300,000 in the budget and $300,000 in a warrant article related to this topic. This year there is $200,000 in the budget and $400,000 in the warrant article. This was to help meet the tax cap for the budget.
This article would level out the cost to replace trucks. Nottingham replaces trucks at a rate of every 15 years for large trucks, every 10 years for medium trucks, and every 8 years for small trucks.
This article is needed to remain on schedule for replacement of trucks in the early 2030’s. It is saving now in order to avoid a spike in taxes in the future.
The police department has quite a bit of electronic equipment, which is difficult to anticipate when it will need to be replaced. The article allows for flexibility for repairs and replacement to the electronic equipment.
Invasive milfoil was first found in one location in Pawtuckaway Lake in 2015. Now it has spread to multiple areas of the lake. This money would help for management of aquatic invasive species, including milfoil. This trust fund is managed by the Select Board.
NH state law changed laws regarding veteran tax credits to include those not yet discharged. This article is the town adopting the changes in the new state law.
The facility advisory committee to the select board noticed that the town lacks a way for department heads to address smaller, day-to-day repair needs. This money would be used for these smaller needs. This article may seem similar to article #7. Article #7 covers larger, big items that need repair. The budget committee did not support this article because they felt it was too vague. Clarifying language to the article was added during the deliberative session, after the budget committee vote.
This warrant article was amended at the deliberative session to fix the date, which was incorrect.
End Town Warrant
Nottingham School Warrant
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There are two current classrooms and labs that are from the original build in 1995. Upgrades are needed for lab work, such as electrical outlets on the periphery of the room as well as upgrades to cabinetry and countertops.
This money would be used for emergency repairs as well as fixing the flat roof that is aging and leaking.
This money would be used to support the curriculum review cycle. It prevents budget spikes as new programs aren’t purchased every year. The money would help fund for English Language Arts and Science programs.
This Capital Reserve Fund money will be used for unexpected expenses related to student needs and/or if a new student(s) moves to the district and needs support.
This money would be used to pave the back road behind the school and repair dips in the parking lot and path that connects the parking lot to the school.
This was amended from a 4% to a 10% cap at the School Deliberative Session.
Northwood Town Warrant
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Northwood School Warrant
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End Town Warrant