Opioid Treatment, 211, and SNAP

This week, we had a long meeting of the Governor and Executive Council, kicked-off by signing a law officially making May 3 the "Old Man of the Mountain Day" and ended with a judicial hearing on a nomination for Justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court! 

There were various important decisions made that will affect Granite Staters all across New Hampshire. Click below to hear my thoughts on video.

Key issues from this week's Executive Council meeting included:

  1. APPROVED PROGRAMS FROM THE OPIOID ABATEMENT COMMISSION. The Executive Council approved multiple programs from the Opioid Abatement Commission that will provide mobile intervention, treatment access, and recovery, along with access to educational opportunities and supportive housing. I'd like to thank State Senator Cindy Rosenwald, who chairs the Opioid Abatement Commission, for her leadership in making this happen. This is a great step in our fight against the opioid epidemic and will accelerate prevention, treatment, and recovery services for individuals, families, and communities all across the state.

  2. HOMELESS HOTLINE THROUGH 211 NH. The Executive Council approved a contract with Granite United Way of Manchester to operate a twenty-four-hour homeless hotline through 211 NH in order to offer information and referral services to individuals and/or families who are seeking homelessness resources. Information and Referral Specialists at 211 NH will conduct an initial homelessness Prevention and Diversion Tool with callers who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness, which will determine the appropriate immediate response. The Homeless Hotline will provide after-hours information and referrals to individuals experiencing homelessness in order to assist the households with finding an emergency shelter option. If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance, please direct them to this resource.

  3. ENROLLING MORE ELIGIBLE FAMILIES INTO SNAP. The Executive Council approved a contract with the New Hampshire Food Bank to provide statewide outreach and enrollment assistance for the New Hampshire’s Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program (SNAP) for those who may be eligible but are not currently SNAP recipients in New Hampshire. Additionally, the New Hampshire Food Bank will provide marketing materials related to SNAP to locations such as food pantries, soup kitchen, Family Resource Centers, senior housing, child care programs, community health centers, and other local agencies throughout the state to increase SNAP awareness.

The full meeting agenda and quick results can be viewed here. Minutes for each meeting are approved at the following Council meeting.


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